62 Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland

About Us

About Us
Kia Ora Koutou katoa. He mihi atu ki a koe mo to awhi me to tautoko. Ko Ds Seven te ingoa. DS SEVEN produce accessories and clothing based and inspired by MUSIC* MAORI HERITAGE* HIP HOP CULTURE* FASHION* ART* HEROES* FILM* We operate out of our Boutique HAKA- located at 62 rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand. we sell our designs via trademe.co.nz. find us under HAKA in the members catergory. Kia Ora Ano

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

one year on......

Haka has now closed. our head designer has progressed here tawhiao.com. Sending a sincere THANK YOU and appreciation to all our supporters. It was a pleasure. The best is yet to come. bless up x

Slum Village - Turning Me Off feat. De La Soul ......just in time :) J

Monday, April 4, 2011

We're so fly

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Newton Kura school gala in the weekend! boy the hangi was yum, ginger crunch gingerey and melt in ya mouth, ice cream jellies delivered and a heap of games and prizes and fun was had. Haka hosted a stall at the gala as well. This Thursday we are having a pop up one day store at THE HOUSE OF TAONGA SALON, st kevins Arcade, k'rd Auckland CBD- from 12pm we'll be there setting up the exhibition for Tracey Tawhiao and the HAKA crew. come thru and see us. The weather is changing so come get ya some leathers and winter wears!! mean. see ya thrusday else tune into Phaze's radio show for updtes (kfmradio.co.nz/ thursday 12-2pm NZT) boomin choice one x

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a little boy waits blog reminds me ................that shoot we have a BLOG.

and thats not been update since last i updated it

so much to fill ya'll in on but hells bells where to start?

It is our final week at our physical address 62 rosebank rd avondale, Auckland. Both sad and exciting, its been an inspiring and amazing learning curve in all aspects of business- public relations and personal relationships put to the test- but the saying 'what dont kill you ,makes you stronger" resonates well with the Crew at Haka.

March 14th-21st 2011 is our CLOSING OUT SALE- instore specials on seleced items- our woven stuff, hoodies and tees are all reduced just in time for the cooler evenings!! was that a short summer or what??

We'd like to take this minute to THANK all our artists who entrusted us to distribute their wears and gears through Haka Boutique, We'd also like to thank all you loyal customers who have supported the Artist represented in Haka- a match made in heaven.

Be sure to peep our blog so we can keep you updated with the next phaze for Haka and the crew.

Watch this space............. the best is yet to come. cheh x

Friday, May 21, 2010

Star Light Star Bright

Matariki is the Maori name for the group of stars also known as the Pleiades star cluster or The Seven Sisters; it is referred to as the traditional Maori New Year. Matariki 2010 in Aotearoa occurs June 14th. It is celebrated in many ways, through remeberance, planting tree's and crops, harvesting, sharing of kai (food) whakapapa (genealogy) and education.

HAKA are celebrating MATARIKI oh yes we are. First up

PINS AND NEEDLES at the Uxbridge, West Auckland Event, Howick's Creative Centre
OPENS 3 JUNE 6.30PM, 4 - 17 JUNE, Malcolm Smith Gallery 1
Textiles are necessary to human survival and culture. This group exhibition looks at contemporary appraoches to working with a medium which has had a life long battle with domesticity. ..........Seven Maori Maiden Dolls will feature and star in the show!! They are Produced and designed by HAKA's main designer Shona Tawhiao. All individually crafted,with their own poi, tipare, piupiu and korowai. The very first installment of 'Maori Maiden's' were based on Shona's Whanau ( family)- all Maori Maidens in their own right. The pieces are unique to Haka and Aotearoa.

Uxbridge, Howick's Creative Centre
35 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Manukau, 2014P O Box 38591, Howick, Manukau, 2145Ph: (09) 535-6467 Fax: (09) 535-9810 Email:

Then we're off to the Pacific Business Trust

Pasifika Unlimited Evening
THURSDAY June10th 2010 . As i mentioned last post, the Trust is a business tool that is helping small business achieve great things!!

Pretty much an opportunity to meet and be inspired, present your wears and services. HAKA will be in full effect. Join up and come along @ www.pacificbusiness.co.nz

End of June HAKA intend to host

MATAKITE : look into the future.
A day to enjoy Claivoyancy and Tarot card readings.
Saturday June 26th . Between 10am-230pm

Booking are essential. Contact : haka@dsseven.co.nz

“Matakite has been translated as meaning Clairvoyance but often encompasses other senses as well. For many Maori the ability to see into the future, the past, the present is a common occurrence. It is part and parcel of who we are and it is an acknowledgement of who has gone before us and that our tupuna (ancestors) have attained a status and mana (power) that far exceeds our own as physical entities in this physical world ”. wai-shaman.com

Our experienced claivoyant first realised her talent after the birth of her first child and that near death experience. She put these talents on hold to focus on her family and career however twenty years on and upon her marriage break up the calling became much stronger. She has worked psychic lines in Australia, hosted “party readings” for 7-8 people at a time and also held one on one sessions over the last thirty years. Wendy Tawhiao, with your permission is able to impart wisdoms and answer your questions shedding light on your bright future.

For both options a flat fee of $40 NZD is required prior to or on the day

Or either tarot or reading $20 for a one on one session.

Booking are essential. haka@dsseven.co.nz. 021 107 0345. Prices in New Zealand Currency

Righto- see you at HAKA!! xox

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

oh where for art thou?

If only i could say for the sake of Art have i been absent! alas for the sake of love i have been on a whole other planet- when your desire consumes ALL of your energy ya think you'd realise balance is the key!! thank goodness for hindsight, yoga and friends!

back to business: HAKA celebrated its first birthday April 22nd 2010. we celebrated with an in store overhaul. Thank you to all the crew who worked their butts off putting down the new 'grey lynn grey' polished floor. It is so very simple and stylish. come in for a peek and look at the new stock.

I'll also take this opportunity in sending a big THANK YOU to our business mentors.

Firstly Dean Dalton (daltonplan.co.nz) based in Wellington and through TPK and also to Maria and the Pacific Business Trust (pacificbusiness.co.nz)
Mihinui ki a koutou . kia ora!! without your guidance who knows where we may have ended up. the journey is a long one but now we're armed with the right tools, to get the job done. if your needing any business advice please contact anyone of the above mentioned.

Brian Rankin has also been of great assistance see him here debtsolutions.co.nz and switch on to one of his webinairs.

May is here already and new to HAKA are our plain Jane accessories. full fringed necklaces in white, black and silver. Uniquely HAKA ala Ds Seven stylees.

June Matariki we're looking at hosting MATAKITE-into the future. a day of fortune telling- bring a sceptic. :) Our star shop keeper will be in effect for your future telling. Contact me to book in

Dena +64 21 107 0345

One other note:
WE ARE NOW SELLING on TRADEME.CO.NZ find us under HAKA in the members catergory.
talk and see ya soon. x

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Septembers feature Artist and NEW WEBSITE coming soon!

Spring has sprung and as we progress so to will our cyber presence! Our site is currently under construction by web artist Michael Staite of Rotorua. Watch this space for details of the sites Launch date. YAY!

This months artist featuring on the gallery wall is SHONA TAWHIAO.
Shona Tawhiao is a self employed Maori Fibre Artist and Designer based in Avondale Auckland. She attended Unitec in 1994 and 1995, tutored by Kahutoi Te Kanawa. Here she learnt the skills of traditional Maori Weaving. Shona found inspiration from all forms of Maori Art and Raranga began the journey to further her artistic expression.
Shona has exhibited extensively and in 1998 she was part of ‘Urupatu’ set on the confiscation line in Taneatua Tuhoe. Here she installed three 3.5-1.5 metre woven panels made from builder’s paper in a cow paddock.
From 2003-2005 Shona and Judy Hohaia were employed to weave the front and back walls of the ‘Unitec Marae’ under the guidance of Lionel Grant. This was a huge job for Shona and working along Lionel was a great inspiration and honour. From this experience Shona learnt that there were more opportunities for her to explore with Raranga.
In Matariki 06 she had a garment feature in the calendar ‘Nga Rangatira o Te Ao”. For Matariki 07, Shona created seven woven bodices, which represented each of the seven sisters.
Late in 2006 she was commissioned to create two pieces for ‘The Westin Hotel’ in Auckland’s Viaduct. Early in the project Shona viewed the shell of the hotel space to understand what the architects and interior designers were envisaging. Shona created 3 woven panels for the reception desks and a 2 metre long woven waka for the stair well.
In 2007 Shona won the Premier Award at the ‘Manuka Villa Maria Cult Couture’ show. Organisers of the ‘World of Wearable Arts 2008’ saw her winning garment and invited Shona to enter ‘WOW’. They had no Tangata Whenua representation so Shona has entered and will attend the show in September 08 in Wellington. Currently Shona has three garments travelling to the 10th ‘Festival of the Arts’ in Pagopago with Suzanne Tamaki, which will be part of the fashion show.
For Matariki 08 Shona was a designer in ‘E Whitu Nga Whetu’. This show has lead to Shona being invited to exhibit a garment at ‘Air New Zealand Fashion Week 2008’.

2009 Shona has been concentrating on bringing new and innovative fashion and designs to the world, exclusively through HAKA. Come in and see for yourself.