62 Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland

About Us

About Us
Kia Ora Koutou katoa. He mihi atu ki a koe mo to awhi me to tautoko. Ko Ds Seven te ingoa. DS SEVEN produce accessories and clothing based and inspired by MUSIC* MAORI HERITAGE* HIP HOP CULTURE* FASHION* ART* HEROES* FILM* We operate out of our Boutique HAKA- located at 62 rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand. we sell our designs via trademe.co.nz. find us under HAKA in the members catergory. Kia Ora Ano

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

oh where for art thou?

If only i could say for the sake of Art have i been absent! alas for the sake of love i have been on a whole other planet- when your desire consumes ALL of your energy ya think you'd realise balance is the key!! thank goodness for hindsight, yoga and friends!

back to business: HAKA celebrated its first birthday April 22nd 2010. we celebrated with an in store overhaul. Thank you to all the crew who worked their butts off putting down the new 'grey lynn grey' polished floor. It is so very simple and stylish. come in for a peek and look at the new stock.

I'll also take this opportunity in sending a big THANK YOU to our business mentors.

Firstly Dean Dalton (daltonplan.co.nz) based in Wellington and through TPK and also to Maria and the Pacific Business Trust (pacificbusiness.co.nz)
Mihinui ki a koutou . kia ora!! without your guidance who knows where we may have ended up. the journey is a long one but now we're armed with the right tools, to get the job done. if your needing any business advice please contact anyone of the above mentioned.

Brian Rankin has also been of great assistance see him here debtsolutions.co.nz and switch on to one of his webinairs.

May is here already and new to HAKA are our plain Jane accessories. full fringed necklaces in white, black and silver. Uniquely HAKA ala Ds Seven stylees.

June Matariki we're looking at hosting MATAKITE-into the future. a day of fortune telling- bring a sceptic. :) Our star shop keeper will be in effect for your future telling. Contact me to book in

Dena +64 21 107 0345

One other note:
WE ARE NOW SELLING on TRADEME.CO.NZ find us under HAKA in the members catergory.
talk and see ya soon. x

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